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Saturday, August 30, 2008
wAt A fIsH!! ; 1:33:00 PM

boReD aT hOmE..
YeStErDaY hAvE aLoNg SlEep WhIlE wHoLe FaMilY gOnE oUt To ChAlEt..
dAd MaKe A ChaLeT wItH aLl hIs StUdEnTS..

i wOkE uP eArLy..
At 10Am..
hAvE mY bReAkFaSt An OlLl tHe wAy WaTcH mY fAvOuRiTe PrOgRaMmE..

PS: MiSs u Ex..
i DaMn mIsS YoU..
I kEEP dReAm Of YoU..

Friday, August 29, 2008
; 4:58:00 AM

mE aNd tHe tWo aNgElS
ThE gOdFaThEr n hIs ViP SeRvEr
tHe MaFiA
woRk WaS jUsT fUn..

Me As A hEaD oF oPeRaTiOn Of tHe DAy..

iTs Like MaNaGeR iN cHaRgE..

eVeRyThInG rUn SmOoTh..


Boss LikE iT..

It WaS oRcHaRd HoTeL aNNuAl StAFF DiNNeR n DaNcE..

; 4:35:00 AM

lIfE hApPeNiNg Now..
bEsT aT WoRk, ScHoOl AnD aT hOmE..
bRoTheRs.. SoRrY.. NoW tImE aR bEb Mo lEpAk..
sTAY cOnTaCt AiTe..
N..lIfE wItHoUt YoU iS gReAt MaN..
iM HaPpY n ToTaLlY hAppY..
u BitCh..ShOuLd Be BuRn To HeLL n fEeD uR bOnE tO tHoSe DoGs OuT ThErE..
YoU- fLiRtIsH + sLuT + bItCh + SuCkS = cHeAp..
i JuSt FEeL sO PiTy To tHoSe GuYs WhO gEts YoU aS tHeIr Gf..
I rEgReT sIa..
eXTrEMeLy ReGrEt..
BuT NvM..
nUr aTiQaH bINtE mOhD yUsOf OlWaES ThE bEST eX thAt I gET.
hAvE a VeRy Good FaMiLy BuT hAVE a VErY fUcK uP dAuGhTeR lIKe YOu WhO dIdNt KnOw HoW tO sTaND n uPhOlD fAmILy nAmE N PrInCiPE..
iF i bE tHeM i CuD uNdErsTaNd Y tHeY cRy dAy N NiGhT jUsT fOr YoU wHo ArE jUsT cHeAp..
u OnLI knoW hOw To KnOw MiLLiOn Of GuYs, FlIrTiSh AroUnD, nOt FaItHfUl N juSt Go FoR pEoPlE mOnEy..
kEsIaN mAtAiR2 YoU..
dAlA gEt tO gO..
sakiT kN aTi JeK nK bUaL sAl poMpaN murah CaM kAo..

Ps: EqA..gPoL mIss YOu..
HaVe a GoOd LiFe AhEaD n DoN bE lIKE yOu FrEn WhO Is cHeAp..

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
; 6:49:00 PM

im dying now..
and its true..
lying in bed..
just expect death wud arise..
just die..slowly..
she wud be happy now.,.
enjoying her life..
and now did i say i wud torture myself to death..
now its true syg!!!
im dying..and its slowly..
i hope..
u wud read my blog..
if u got a chance..
do kol me k...
im desperate of ur love shikin..

bye..n tc..

Friday, August 1, 2008
; 8:34:00 PM

jalanku merana..
asal la kau..
akhirnya denganku..
hidupku merana pagi dan malam..
hanya untuk mu..
ku bersumpah..
atas nama cinta..
ku rela menunggu..

ps: iloveyou
im waiting
im dying...

the little rocker

Image Hosting by Picoodle.com #GpOL HaIrO.
#MuHAMmAd sAiFuL BiN IsMaIl.
#cRiEd oN EaRtH On 30th SePtEmBeR 1990.
#StUdEnT/bAnQuEt oPs SuPeRvIsOr.
#I'll rock your socks off

way to paradise

What i need want.

*dEvOtEd LoVe..
*rEaL lOvE..
*fAiThFuL lOvE..
*mY nEw Me..
*My NeW WaY..
*My NeW eNvIrOnMeNt..
illusions and lies

other rockers

xUe TiNg
sHaKiLah & mAiSaRaH

feel the beat
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
January 2009

and the drumroll
kim - eminem x