hey dudes... i welcoming back to blog.. due to time circmstances... busying today wit football training n my bar competition at DOUBLE O tomorrow.. haiz..busy beb.. hmmm... still single.. not into relationship yet... not prepare till one day if god really want me too... nex week wednesday my TRAFFIC POLICE TEST.. once pass.. NSR SP on the road bebe.. girls out there... can just dream on to be my pillion... my bike is not for BITCHES like you oll... haha... onli for my LOVE one... hehe... got to go... ps: BUSY MSN-ING...
the little rocker
#GpOL HaIrO.
#MuHAMmAd sAiFuL BiN IsMaIl.
#cRiEd oN EaRtH On 30th SePtEmBeR 1990.
#StUdEnT/bAnQuEt oPs SuPeRvIsOr.
#I'll rock your socks off
way to paradise
What i need want.
*dEvOtEd LoVe..
*rEaL lOvE..
*fAiThFuL lOvE..
*mY nEw Me..
*My NeW WaY..
*My NeW eNvIrOnMeNt..